It's the top of the new year and it's expected of everyone (especially the gaggle of blogging enthusiasts) to write about their new resolutions or changes they are making to improve themselves and their lives. I wanted to avoid being another little fish in the big sea of blogs during New Year's but as much as I have been trying to avoid it I know that I have to do this - for me. Last year, I made it a point to remain honest, vulnerable and authentic after trauma entered my life so it would be a disservice to the growth I have made to stop now.
2017 had a plan laid out long before January 1 - marriage, a new job, a new home and a new state. So, as I sit at the same job, in the same state, single and nowhere near being a homeowner, it is only natural to be disappointed in what the next 365(ish) days will be. In blessed contrast, I am beyond thrilled that my 2017 is nothing like what I strategically planned out. I do, however, have one major "resolution" for myself this year.
I resolve to pray from head to toe.
I resolve to live in gratitude for the brain the Lord has given me: the thoughts and creativity that is discovered in it, the memories stored within, the expansions and new understandings in the horizon and the open mindedness I will strive to achieve in all situations.
I resolve to be thankful for the hands that get stronger every day, that are open to new relationships, that work hard to complete tasks and duties, that remain outstretched to receive love.
I resolve to be remain faithful with the body the Lord blessed me with in all of it's beauty, to keep it safe from harm, to cherish the health and ability it has.
I resolve to praise the King for giving me feet that walk up to strangers alike, that support the journeys through nature that bring me such peace, to never take for granted my mobility.
I resolve to pray with thankfulness over and for all that I will be involved in - from head to toe. Every interaction, every new opportunity, every adventure, every heartache, every battle, every victory, and every day.
2017 may not end up the way you envision, hell, it may not even have started out all that great - but every day there is something to be thankful for. Instead of wallowing in the mistakes, the disappointments and the uncertainties - choose gratitude.
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